
SothequestioniswhetheritispossibleviaMagisktogiveaccessto/dev/fmtomyprocessFMradio.IamnewtoMagiskmodules,soplease ...,安装Magisk:请确保你的设备已经通过TWRP等自定义恢复工具安装了Magisk。如果没有,请按照设备的具体步骤安装Magisk。安装SELinuxPermissive模块:.,ThismoduleswitchesSELinuxtopermissivemodeduringbootprocess.Thismoduleintentionallylowerssecuritysettingsofyourphone.,ThismoduleswitchesSELi...

Adding SELinux rule for Magisk for specific process

So the question is whether it is possible via Magisk to give access to /dev/fm to my process FM radio. I am new to Magisk modules, so please ...

将Android 设备的SELinux 模式从“Enforcing“ 改为“Permissive“ 步骤 ...

安装Magisk: 请确保你的设备已经通过TWRP 等自定义恢复工具安装了Magisk。如果没有,请按照设备的具体步骤安装Magisk。 安装SELinux Permissive 模块:.

Magisk Module that switches SELinux to permissive mode

This module switches SELinux to permissive mode during boot process. This module intentionally lowers security settings of your phone.

Magisk Module that switches SELinux to permissive mode and hides ...

This module switches SELinux to permissive mode during boot process and hides the change to protect SafetyNet. This module intentionally lowers security ...

SELinux Permissive Magisk Module

This module switches SELinux to permissive mode during boot process. This module intentionally lowers security settings of your phone.


所以你有使用防格机类模块、“VIPER4Android FX”模块、“关闭SELinux”模块、“Lock SELinux forced mode”模块、“SCHide Magisk”模块的话,你可以全部停用它们 ...

分享Magisk 通過Safetynet 方法(第6頁)

健保快易通除了會偵測Root外還會偵測SELinux是否處於寬容Permissive模式,需要改回強制Enforcing模式才能順利開啟。 我自己是安裝SELinuxModeChanger的APP來更改SELinux, ...

[Help] How do I hide SE Linux permissive mode on recent Magisk?

Open Viper app and go to settings and enable legacy mode. Viper won't work yet dw, go to modules section in magisk and remove AML and reboot.

Change SELinux Rules with Magisk?

Not sure if i understand correctly. But is Magisk able to modify SELinux Rules? Can hardlinks be enabled for normal users?

[GUIDE] How to add missing SELinux policies dynamically using ...

If an application in Android does not work due to missing SELinux policies this can be fixed on phones with installed Magisk using the binary ...